Wiki Univers Cinématographique Marvel
Wiki Univers Cinématographique Marvel

"Je crois que l’art et la science sont indissociables. Le diable et Dieu, est dans les détails. Je ne veux pas aux gens de voir mon travail et savoir que cela fonctionne. Si elles ont donné un deuxième coup de œil, je veux qu’il soit hors de crainte, pas de dégoût."
―Holden Radcliffe à Jemma Simmons[src]

Holden Radcliffe était un transhumaniste dont les théories l'ont fait virer de GT Agrochemical. Il a été kidnappé et recruté par Hive afin de recréer l'expérience Kree qui avait créé les Inhumains. Malgré l'enthousiasme de Radcliffe, il a eu du mal à perfectionner l'expérience, créant par inadvertance les Primitifs. Il a été sauvé par le S.H.I.E.L.D. et a conclu un nouvel accord où il a été innocenté de toutes les accusations, mais à la condition que toutes ses recherches soient soumises pour approbation et surveillance. Cependant, Radcliffe avait secrètement commencé à travailler sur Leurres mécaniques dupliqués avec Leo Fitz.

En lisant le Darkhold, Radcliffe est devenu corrompu car cela lui a donné le désir d'utiliser le livre, mettant en branle un plan pour le voler en utilisant sa création Aida et un LMD de Melinda May comme pions. Lorsque l'équipe a découvert sa corruption, il a formé une nouvelle alliance avec les Chiens de gardes. En fin de compte, Radcliffe n'a pas pu garder Aida sous contrôle, car elle l'a tué, piégeant sa conscience à l'intérieur de la Charpente. Dans le monde numérique, il a vu Aida déformer ses idées pour créer un monde gouverné par HYDRA. Voyant toutes ses erreurs, Radcliffe a aidé ses anciens alliés à retourner dans le monde réel, pour essayer de rattraper ses actes. Alors que le cadre était supprimé par une Aida folle, Radcliffe a été supprimé à ses côtés.



Années de Collège[]

"Je le connaissais. Je voulais vous dire, mais je craignais qu’il ouvrirait les vieilles blessures."
"Qui n’est pas possible."
"Glasgow n’est pas cette grosse Fitz. Ton père et moi étions camarades."
Holden Radcliffe LMD & Leo Fitz[[La patate chaude|[src]]]

à écrire...

Aider Agnes Kitsworth[]


Radcliffe with his partner Agnes Kitsworth

"Je me déteste pour disparaître sur vous, mais j’ai jamais laissé tomber. J’ai que juste que je suis rendu compte que j’allais à ce sujet tout faux. Au lieu d’essayer de guérir votre tumeur, je devrais ont essayé guérir de la mort."
―Holden Radcliffe à Agnes Kitsworth[[Une vie éternelle|[src]]]

Radcliffe a rencontré Agnes Kitsworth et a commencé une relation avec elle, mais au cours de leur relation, on a découvert que Kitsworth avait été diagnostiqué avec une tumeur au cerveau inopérable, donnant son peu d’années à vivre. Radcliffe a consacré tout son temps et son travail sur la recherche d’un remède, s’engageant à lui acheter une vraie copie d’un Edgar Degas imprimer Kitsworth détenue lorsqu’elle fut guérie. Radcliffe a échoué et, honteux de lui-même, mit fin à sa relation Kitsworth et s’éloigna, briser son cœur.[1]

Travail sur le Transhumanisme[]


Fichier S.H.I.E.L.D. de médecin Holden Radcliffe

"Il était chercheur principal sur des organismes parasitaires dans le laboratoire de l’agrochimie que nous ont attaqué, basé sur son expertise, que nous croyons qu’il est la clé pour trouver un remède pour Daisy."
Jemma Simmons[[Le Recrutement|[src]]]

Docteur Holden Radcliffe était un scientifique très réussi au GT Agrochemical, mais il a été renvoyé de la compagnie lorsque son obsession avec le transhumanisme ont été jugées inhumaines. Peu de temps après son licenciement, les vieux laboratoire de Radcliffe a été attaqué et détruit par l'HYDRA, avec tous ses anciens collègues tués. Radcliffe est entré en Roumanie à la planque et poursuivre ses recherches parmi tant d’autres qui partage sa passion pour le travail du transhumanisme. [2]

Apprendre des Inhumans[]

rencontre avec Fitz et Simmons[]

Holden Radcliffe Singularity 3

Radcliffe teste Leo Fitz et Jemma Simmons

"Je vois pas comment c' est des capacités de surveillance sont attrayantes, mais il y avait une société qui avait quelque chose d’étrangement similaire, Cybertek, entendu parler d’eux ? Il s’avère qu’ils étaient HYDRA. Ils connecté des explosifs aux yeux des soldats, pour l’amour de la violence, la violence, un détournement laid de la science Jemma Simmons"
Le Recrutement

Tout en se cachant dehors en Roumanie, Radcliffe a été informé par Anon que deux scientifiques cherchaient à vendre la technologie lui. Afin de tester si Leo Fitz et Jemma Simmons étaient vraiment confiant dans leurs propres Transhuman product, Radcliffe lui-même attaché sur la table d’opération et classés Anon pour récupérer les deux scientifiques et dites-leur de remplacer son œil faux grâce à leur technologie, en ne leur disant pas que le œil n’était pas réel et attend de voir comment ils réagiraient à l’épreuve, aussi bien quant à savoir s’ils étaient des scientifiques compétentes.

Holden Radcliffe Singularity 5

Radcliffe complimente le travail de Jemma Simmons.

Quand Simmons allait appliquer l’anesthésique à l’oeil prêt à installer nouveau Backscatter X-Ray Eye Implant, elle comprit que le œil n’était pas réel et ont répondu en brouillant l’aiguille dans le œil de manière agressive, beaucoup d’horreur de Fitz. Radcliffe a ensuite révélé lui-même à la paire et fait remarquer que Simmons était clairement confiant dans sa théorie que le œil a été fait, à laquelle Simmons a expliqué comment elle avait repéré défauts de le œil, prouvant que ce n’était pas humain. Simmons interrogé pourquoi il avait organisé la supercherie, Radcliffe a répondu qu’il était plus sélectif qui il a travaillé avec.

Holden Radcliffe Singularity 16

Radcliffe questionne les motivations de Leo Fitz.

Radcliffe a mettre en doute les deux sur l’Implant oculaire, notant qu’alors qu’il était impressionné par les avantages de la technologie, il savait aussi que Cybertek avait une technologie très similaire et qu’ils avaient été révélés être connecté à HYDRA. Simmons a assuré qu’ils ne travaillent pas pour HYDRA mais S.H.I.E.L.D., pourtant Radcliffe a rejeté le commentaire, en disant que les deux organisations sont les mêmes. Finalement, Radcliffe réalisé que Fitz était en communication avec quelqu'un et qu’il a ordonné à Anon pour activer un PGE avant d’appeler la sécurité et escorter la paire tout droit sorti de l’immeuble immédiatement.

Holden Radcliffe Singularity 17

Radcliffe argues Leo Fitz a propos des Inhumains

Comme Fitz et Simmons ont plaidé avec Radcliffe à reconsidérer, Simmons a été emmené par ses hommes avant Fitz a été en mesure de les combattre et a dit Radcliffe qu’il devait lui entendre. Fitz a révélé qu’il y avait une créature appelée Hive qui recrutait des Inhumains et dont ils avaient besoin de son aide pour l’arrêter, promettant qu’il pourrait aider Radcliffe à découvrir la vérité, qui a fait exciter Radcliffe à la pensée. Soudain les portes du laboratoire soudainement éclatent ouvert et fois Daisy Johnson et Alisha Whitley ont pris d’assaut dans. Whitley a ensuite emporté le médecin surpris, tandis que Johnson attaqué Anon et menacé de Fitz.[2]

Kidnappé par HIVE[]

Holden Radcliffe Singularity 19

Radcliffe rencontre HIVE et les soldats Inhuman.

"Nous avons tout juste commencé ce genre de modification de l’ADN, de faire quelque chose de votre genre qui est... Nous ne pouvons que rêver."
"Vous n’avez pas besoin de rêver plus."
―Holden Radcliffe et HIVE[[Le Recrutement|[src]]]

Radcliffe a été emporté à Union City où il a été présenté au chef de ses ravisseurs, Hive, et a été totalement étonné maintenant être entouré par les Inhumains, qui comprenait Alisha Whitley et Daisy Johnson. Comme ils sont tous marchaient ensemble, ruche, Radcliffe a ensuite offert la possibilité de lancer une expérience qui a initialement créé lui des milliers d’années plus tôt, notant que la technologie des humains maintenant égalé les Kreeet Radcliffe était le meilleur candidat pour le poste.

Holden Radcliffe Singularity 23

Radcliffe est kidnappé et questionné par HIVE.

Bien que Radcliffe ne savait pas que la tâche pourrait être faite en raison de ce travail incroyable, même pour les Transhumanistes n’était qu’un rêve, cependant ruche lui a assuré qu’il serait dans son intérêt d’essayer et de réussir. La ruche ensuite signalé à la ville, avec Hellfire par erreur demandant si ruche leur avait apporté une maison de travailler, que pour la ruche d’expliquer qu'il a utilisé de l'argent de Gideon Malick pour acheter l’ensemble de la ville pour Radcliffe commencer le travail, en utilisant les ressources de financement qui leur est donné par l'HYDRA.Malgré sa peur de HIVE, les travaux proposés Radcliffe fasciné alors il a décidé de commencer par les expériences.[2]

Echecs Expérimentaux[]

Failed Experiments 3

Radcliffe recréé les expériences Kree.

"La génétique constituent des Inhumains dans incroyablement complexe, nous avons liés à courir en complications !"
"Vous m’a assuré que ce serait le travail."
"Oui, il aurait si j’avais été fourni avec les bons ingrédients."
―Holden Radcliffe et HIVE[[À feu et à sang|[src]]]

Hive fourni Radcliffe trois volontaires d'HYDRA une fois que son expérience était prête, avec Radcliffe expliquant à HIVE et Daisy Johnson qu’il avait réussi à mettre des Cristaux Terragènese dans le sang de Kree pour s’assurer que les sujets ont subi Terragénesis en même temps. Cependant, dès que l’expérience est allé en cours, Kirk Vogel et les autres volontaires a commencé hurlant de douleur, avant qu’ils la peau et les os fondu que leur corps a réagi à l’expérience ratée.

Failed Experiments 5

La vie de Radcliffe est menacée par Hive

Comme les cadavres des volontaires ont été pris de suite pour être éliminés, Radcliffe désespérément essayé d’expliquer à ruche que l’expérience n’a pas seulement parce que le sang qu’il avait été livré à venait le cadavre de Grant Ward et ils ont besoin du sang de vie Kree. HIVE a réagi en saisissant Radcliffe à la gorge comme il a supplié pour sa vie, promettant qu’il pourrait faire l’expérience fonctionnent comme il a promis qu’il voulait faire fonctionner afin de changer le monde. HIVE lâche Radcliffe avant de marcher dessus à l'Orbe Kree, quand Radcliffe a demandé ce que c’était, ruche n’a pas répondu mais a expliqué que Radcliffe devrait être terrifié maintenant.[3]

Rencontre avec les Kree[]


Radcliffe est attaqué par des Kree

"Vous deviez gérer cette choses! Maintenant nous avons tous les deux va mourir ! "
"Aucun ones mourir ici aujourd'hui !"
―Holden Radcliffe et Daisy Johnson[[À feu et à sang|[src]]]

Cherchant à compléter son plan en utilisant une autre méthode, Hive a utilisé l'Orbe Kree de convoquer les Kree Reapers à Union City donc Radcliffe pourrait utiliser leur sang pour compléter son expérience. Alors que dans son laboratoire, Radcliffe fut confronté à l’un des Reapers dont la lame était couverte de sang de Alisha Whitley. Radcliffe a été défendue par Daisy Johnson qui a lutté contre le puissant guerrier Kree tandis que Radcliffe regardait dans la crainte, finalement, Johnson a réussi à déjouer les Krees et utilisé ses pouvoirs pour envoyer une onde de choc vers le bas de son dos qui a brisé sa colonne vertébrale.


Radcliffe commence à drainé le sang des Kree.

Radcliffe a été ordonnée pour drainer le sang de la Kree à utiliser pour l’expérience suivante de la ruche, mais comme il faisait cela, Radcliffe et Johnson se sont heurtés à Alphonso Mackenzie qui était venu là pour essayer de convaincre Johnson pour revenir à la maison duS.H.I.E.L.D. où elle appartenait. Radcliffe a toujours poursuivi son propre travail tandis que Mackenzie et Johnson ont soutenu jusqu'à ce que Mackenzie a utilisé un éclat de Bombe pour détruire le corps de la Kree, menant à attaquer son ancien allié et ami de Johnson. Alors que Radcliffe est resté à l’écart, Mackenzie a été secouru par ses coéquipiers qui se sont échappés dans le Module de Confinement.

FE Drain Me

Radcliffe écoute le nouveau plan de Daisy Johnson.

Avec la menace des Kree et capture de S.H.I.E.L.D. maintenant au-dessus, Radcliffe rafistolé de blessures par balle de Johnson alors que la ruche se plaint toujours que ses plans ont été maintenant ruinés par corps du Kree destruction. Alors que Radcliffe a travaillé, Johnson a révélé, à la ruche, qu’elle avait Kree sang dans ses veines, donnés à lui par le GH.325 qui avait sauvé la vie quand Ian Quinn avait tourné ses quelques années plus tôt. Avec cette nouvelle information, Johnson a dit Radcliffe s’écouler de son propre sang afin de recréer l’expérience et enfin trouver un moyen de créer les plus Inhumains, dont Hive à approuvé.[3]

Création des Abominations[]


Radcliffe surveille la guérison de Daisy Johnson.

"CesPrimitifs sont une Abomination de science et d’une très médiocre de la réflexion de mes talents."
"Ils ne sont pas des abominations, ils font partie de moi et la race des Inhumain. Je veux que vous pour faire plus."
―Holden Radcliffe et HIVE[[Émancipation|[src]]]

Radcliffe vérifié sur Daisy Johnson comme elle a continué à donner son sang Kree pour leurs expériences, assurant qu’elle était récupérer et rester en bonne santé que possible alors que Radcliffe lui a conseillé d’arrêter pour la journée. Radcliffe a dit Johnson de boire du jus de récupérer mais était tellement fatigué qu’il presque lui donnait son propre dos de sang, affirmant qu’il incomberait une fois qu’il était mort, mais insistant sur le fait qu’il ne voulait pas un d'entre eux à mourir.


Radcliffe discute de ses experimentations avec HIVE.

Laissant Johnson pour poursuivre son rétablissement, Radcliffe a pris Hive dans son laboratoire et l’a informé qu’il était maintenant plus confiant que l’expérience fonctionnerait comme il maintenant avaient tous les bons ingrédients par rapport au dernier test où il avait tué Kirk Vogel. Radcliffe ruche a assuré que tout était désormais en place pour compléter leur expérience et créer de nouveaux Inhumans et tout ce dont ils avaient besoin à ce stade était de nouveaux bénévoles, à quelle ruche lui a assuré qu’il était sourcing déjà, affirmant que son choix actuel de bénévoles il considéré comme un don personnel aimable pour Johnson.

Failed Experiments 10

Radcliffe voit l'arrivé des Watchdogs

Quand les bénévoles que ruche avait parlé plus tôt est enfin arrivèrent, Radcliffe a été horrifié d’apprendre qu’ils étaient enlevés membres des Watchdogs; interrogé Radcliffe puis HIVE à ce sujet, il a expliqué qu’il fallait parfois plus de motivation alors que Hellfire battre Pete Boggsavec la crosse de son fusil, tout en se moquant de lui. Une fois qu’il a confirmé qu’il était maintenant presque complètement confiant quant à l’expérience, ruche commandé Radcliffe à remplir le contenant d’expédition que les chiens de garde ont été avec Brouillard Terragènique. Radcliffe et les autres ensuite écoutaient comme les hommes crié dans la peur et la douleur qu’ils ont subi leur forcé Terragénesis l’intérieur du conteneur.


Radcliffe est horrifié d'avoir créer les Primitifs

Finalement les portes vers le conteneur ont été ouvertes, révélant que les hommes avaient maintenant transformé en affreux Primitifs, horrifiant Radcliffe. HIVE cependant a été impressionné par le résultat et commandé les Primitives pour montrer leur force et de lui apporter Radcliffe. Poussé sur ses genoux, Radcliffe a supplié pour sa vie comme il a insisté sur le fait qu’il pourrait bonifier l’expérience et faire en sorte que la prochaine fournée avait l’air beaucoup mieux, mais HIVE a affirmé qu’ils feraient très bien. Dégoûté, Radcliffe ont soutenu que les Primitives abominations à la science alors que HIVE a insisté qu’il voulait Radcliffe à créer d’autres.


Radcliffe witnesses Lash attacking HIVE

Radcliffe a été ordonnée pour drainer Johnson sur le dernier de son sang, il a été témoin que Lash en arrivant sur la base et attaque d'Hive, conduisant à la Johnson épuisé s’approcher jusqu'à essayer et défendre son chef. Alors qu’ils tentaient de s’enfuir, qu'ils regardaient Lash déplacé vers l’avant tuer HIVE, Radcliffe a expliqué que Hellfire avait quitté pour recueillir quelques bières et regardé impuissants que Johnson a essayé en vain d’arrêter des cils avec une onde de choc faible avant de s’effondrer. Radcliffe ensuite échappé à la base devant témoins Lash sauver Johnson de contrôle de l’esprit de HIVE avant d’être tué par Hellfire, ce qui permet à Johnson de s’échapper.[4]

Sauvé par le S.H.I.E.L.D.[]


Radcliffe regarde les plans de HIVE échoué.

"Le S.H.I.E.L.D. t’envoi ? ! Ils l’ont fait ? !"
"Oui, je suis du S.H.I.E.L.D. ! "
"Oh Dieu Merci, prends-moi avec toi, il faut, s’il vous plaît !"
―Holden Radcliffe et Melinda May[[Absolution|[src]]]

Avec Hive, Radcliffe a été porté à un Silo de missiles où les Inhumains subjugué les soldats Forces armées des États-Unis garde il rapidement et prêt à lancer un missile rempli du Brouillard Terragénique dans l’atmosphère. Cependant, alors que Radcliffe regardé avec horreur, le missile a été substitué par S.H.I.E.L.D. et Hive a exigé que Radcliffe résoudre ce problème, menaçant de lui dévorer si il n’a pas. Malgré insistant sur le fait qu’il n’était pas un expert avec ces systèmes, Radcliffe a accepté en raison de sa terreur de Hive.


Radcliffe tente de travailler avec les Primitifs

Prenant deux Primitifs avec lui, Radcliffe tenter de trouver une façon de fixer les dégâts infligés par le S.H.I.E.L.D. et permettre le missile à lancement, simplement pour se protéger. En dépit d’être dans un premier temps frustrés par manque les Primitives de puissance du cerveau, il a rapidement appris qu’ils pourraient encore utiliser des outils de base en raison de leurs souvenirs de leurs propres vies antérieures avant de subir des Terragénèses. Radcliffe a été en mesure d’obtenir les Primitives, qui surnommait Ronald et Ronald II pour utiliser leur force pour entrer dans le système de l’ordinateur pour qu’il puisse commencer à travailler à obtenir après le hack et retourne le contrôle de l’ensemble de la base militaire de Hive.


Radcliffe est confronté par Melinda May

Toutefois, avant que Radcliffe puisse commencer la fixation de l’ordinateur, il fut confronté par Melinda May. Bien que Radcliffe se rendit rapidement, les Primitives ont attaqué l’agent et ils engagés dans une lutte brève, au cours de laquelle mai laissé tomber son fusil. Alors que mai a été en mesure de vaincre la plupart des primitifs, Radcliffe assistée par lui en tirant celui final avant de prendre l’objectif à mai, Radcliffe a exigé de savoir si elle était avec S.H.I.E.L.D. et pria pour son aide. Avec alors assisté à Giyera à l’aide de ses pouvoirs pour voler le chef de guerre et d’échapper à la base à bord l'HYDRA QuadCopter avec Hellfire.

Absolution Team Shot

Radcliffe et le S.H.I.E.L.D. capture HIVE

Échapper à l’extérieur avec mai, Radcliffe trouvé les autres soldats avaient été sauvés par Yo-Yo Rodriguez et a couru à l’aide de Lincoln Campbell et Alphonso Mackenzie. Cependant, ils sont bientôt suivis par ruche qui se remettait d’avoir son esprit surchargé par la Machine de fréquence ondes cérébrales Theta. Alors que Radcliffe regardé, Rodriguez a été en mesure d’utiliser sa super-vitesse pour classer une affaire autour de Hive et attrapa avec Gel de Suspension. Ayant confirmé que HIVE a été défait et capturé, Radcliffe ne pouvait pas retenir sa joie absolue tel qu’il a procédé pour laisser sortir un fort Bravo dans la célébration.


Radcliffe est insulté par le Général Glenn Talbot

Radcliffe a été emmenée au Playground pour être interrogé sur son travail tout en étant en otage de la ruche. Une fois arrivé, Radcliffe a été confronté par le Brigadier General Glenn Talbot et Directeur Phil Coulson qui a exigé qu’il reverse ce qui avait été fait pour les hommes qui avaient été transformées en les Primitives, cependant Radcliffe a précisé qu’il l’avait seulement fait parce qu’il était un otage, craignant pour sa vie et qu’il y avait aucun moyen de de les rendre à nouveau Humains. Talbot a alors menacé Radcliffe d'être transformé lui-même en Primitif si toutefois il échoué.[5]

Attaque des Primitifs[]


Radcliffe attempts to escape the Primitifs

"Crank the heating up to a hundred degrees Fahrenheit and we're free to move about as we please."
"You so want us to go out there on a hunch and hope those things don't rip us apart?"
"It's not a hunch, it's science. It's a science hunch."
―Holden Radcliffe et Alphonso Mackenzie[[Ascension|[src]]]

As Radcliffe learned the Playground had been bombed with Terrigen Mist transforming agents into Primitifs,[5] he was forced to try and explain what they were capable of to Phil Coulson and the others, insisting it was not his choice to create them. As they were speaking it was learned that Hive had escaped and the Primitives had made their way inside.


Radcliffe tries to save Yo-Yo Rodriguez

When the lights were cut out throughout the base, Radcliffe was forced to escape into a small room with both Coulson and Lincoln Campbell, however they were soon joined by Alphonso Mackenzie who was carrying the wounded Yo-Yo Rodriguez, who had been shot by the Primitives during the attack. Needing to quickly find a way to stop Rodriguez's bleeding before she died, Radcliffe came up with their only choice, to use a blow torch to seal her wound. Despite all of Mackenzie's objections, it was agreed to be the right move and Rodriguez was saved despite experiencing great agony.


Radcliffe inspecte la fausse main de Phil Coulson.

With Rodriguez now safe, Radcliffe and the other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents looked for a way to defend themselves from the Primitives. As he was exploring, Radcliffe came across the Backscatter X-Ray Eye Implant and noted what other inventions Leo Fitz had created. It was at this moment that Coulson revealed to Radcliffe that he was in fact using a Prosthetic Hand, much to Radcliffe's great amazement as he examined the technology which had impressed him so much. While Radcliffe was speaking to Coulson, Mackenzie then noted how the heating across the base had seemingly been raised.


Radcliffe tries to sneak past the Primitifs

Considering the possible reasons for this, Radcliffe concluded that it must have been Jemma Simmons who had managed to dial up the heating as a way to blind all of the Primitives, who relied on heat signatures to see much like a snake. Believing his own theory to be correct, Radcliffe decided to test it by opening the door and stepping out into the main hallway, despite now being highly nervous that he could possibly be wrong. Radcliffe stepped outside to find himself face to face with a Primitive, however to his relief, he was proven correct as the Primitive failed to see him at all.


Radcliffe watches a Quinjet arrive outside

With their plan in place, the group ran to Coulson's office where they regrouped with Simmons, with Radcliffe noting that he had worked out why she turned up the heating and claiming they would be a good team. Seeking to stop Hive before he could unleash all of the Terrigen Mist over Earth, Coulson called in a Quinjet in order to catch up with Zephyr One which Hive had stolen. As the Quinjet arrived, Radcliffe noted how impressed he was by their methods. Radcliffe stayed with Rodriguez while Hive was killed along with Campbell who had sacrificed his own life to save the world.[6]

Life-Model Decoys[]

Naissance de Aida[]

Third Season Finale 8

Radcliffe se prépare a créer un L.M.D.

"This is based on an old S.H.I.E.L.D. program, poor kids have had a lot of friends die, maybe they didn't have to."
"Is that what we're celebrating today? The inclusion of your new colleague Fitz on this project?"
"No Aida, today, today's your birthday."
―Holden Radcliffe et AIDA[[Ascension|[src]]]

With HIVE having been killed by S.H.I.E.L.D., Radcliffe returned to his research, working alongside Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons a lot, gaining a deep affection for the pair. Eventually all charges against Radcliffe regarding the creation of the Primitifs were dropped and Radcliffe decided to re-start an old S.H.I.E.L.D. program. He returned to his office and spoke to an AI Aida, explaining that his time with Fitz and Simmons had given him the idea to finally create Life-Model Decoys in order to protect them from losing more friends during their fights to protect the world from danger.[6]

Pitching Aida[]

Fichier:Radcliffe Explains AIDA-4x01.jpeg

Radcliffe presents Aida to Leo Fitz

"I know the dangers, that's why I've been reticent to divulge. I don't know these new people at S.H.I.E.L.D., but a weapon is absolutely not the idea!"
"Well then why? What's she for?"
"Well I'll let Aida tell you herself."
―Holden Radcliffe et Leo Fitz[[Ghost Rider|[src]]]

Having completed his first working model of Aida, Radcliffe invited Leo Fitz to his home under the pretence of watching a football game, although Jemma Simmons could not make it due to working with Jeffrey Mace. However shortly after his arrival, Aida glitched and greeted Fitz without clothes, forcing Radcliffe to explain that he had built a Life-Model Decoy, with Fitz furiously reminding Radcliffe how this was not allowed under S.H.I.E.L.D.'s guidelines for him.

Fichier:AIDA Explains Her Purpose-4x01.jpeg

Radcliffe explains Aida's true purpose

Radcliffe explained he had been inspired by the work done on Phil Coulson's Prosthetic Hand to create a perfectly realistic robot. As their conversation continued, Fitz noted how they could have another situation like Ultron if they were not careful. Radcliffe insisted Aida was not a weapon but was intended to be a shield and decoy to protect other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents from harm in the wake of Lincoln Campbell and Antoine Triplett's deaths. Despite his fears, Fitz agreed to help complete Aida, but insisted that they keep it a secret from Simmons and Mace for now until she was perfect.[7]

Tuer Melinda May[]

Uprising 12

Radcliffe travaille et parle avec AIDA

"Think of her brain as a computer that's been compromised by bugs and glitches, if we shut it down and reboot it, then the parts of her brain that have been hyper activated should reset back to default."
"This is crazy."
"Without a doubt, but we're out of time and out of options."
―Holden Radcliffe and Jemma Simmons[[L'insurrection|[src]]]

Radcliffe was contacted by S.H.I.E.L.D. and informed that they were bringing Agent Melinda May to his home to attempt to save her life due to her heart going into overdrive in the wake of encountering Lucy Bauer. Radcliffe ordered Aida to assist him in getting everything prepared, apologising when he had gotten overly snappy at her and explaining some of his English terms to her. Once they had gotten everything prepared ready for May's arrival, Radcliffe explained that he would have to store Aida away again as she was still not allowed to be seen by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.


Radcliffe vérifie les signes vitaux de Melinda May.

May eventually arrived with Jemma Simmons and Radcliffe discovered that she was having a complete mental breakdown, screaming at him and the other people in the room as if she could see demons engulfing them. Once May was put to sleep, Radcliffe and Simmons discussed what had caused this, with Simmons noting that Alphonso Mackenzie believed she may have been touched by a ghost and they currently did not have a better theory. Simmons then explained that based on the case of Chen, they had only six hours until May's heart gave out and she would die.

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Radcliffe et Jemma Simmons cherche un remède.

Using a device called the Framework, Radcliffe was able to create a 3D model of May's brain for them to examine in order to try and find some understanding of what was happening to her. Studying the map of her brain, they were able to figure out the part of the brain that was giving her terrible hallucinations and set about curing them. As they quickly began to run out of time as May began losing control, Radcliffe proposed the only idea he had, to kill May in order to reboot her bring and then revive her just before her brain completely shut down, which could possibly leave her brain dead.


Radcliffe vérifie les ondes cérébrales de Melinda May.

Despite her many objections to the concept of killing one of her closest allies, Simmons soon accepted that Radcliffe was correct that this was the only way to save May, and injected her with poison, killing May. Radcliffe watched his Framework monitor closely to ensure that her brain function was back to normal levels. As her brain just about reached it's correct levels, Radcliffe told Simmons to get ready with the defibrillator in order to revive May before too much damage could be done. Still watching the screen, Radcliffe waited for the last moment and told Simmons to revive May.


Radcliffe réussi à sauvé Melinda May

However at this moment, the Blackout Attack reached Washington, D.C. and cut out all of the power in the Radcliffe Residence, leaving the defibrillator useless and May with seemingly no way of being revived. With no other choice, Simmons began performing CPR on May while Radcliffe disappeared to try something different, although incredibly risky. Radcliffe returned to Aida and took her battery out, using that to power the defibrillator. The plan then worked and the defibrillator was given enough power to revive the highly confused May, much to Simmons and Radcliffe's delight.[8]

Grand teste d'AIDA[]


Radcliffe demande à AIDA de prendre soin de l'agent May.

"It's a risk we have to take. You have improved her social queues dramatically. We are on the cusp, this is the ultimate turing test. Who better to put Aida through her paces than the most discerning, formidable agent that S.H.I.E.L.D. has to offer. Fitz, art and science have their meeting in method."
―Holden Radcliffe à Leo Fitz[[Têtes brûlées|[src]]]

Radcliffe kept Melinda May in his lab the next day to monitor her heart and brain activity, leaving Aida in charge of her well being. Once May was awake, Radcliffe and Aida explained how they had killed her in order to reboot her brain after Lucy Bauer's infection, much to May's dismay. Radcliffe told May that she needed to stay there while he worked on the Ghost Infection Antidote in order to protect other agents from Bauer's ghostly infection.


Radcliffe et Leo Fitz discute pour utilisé AIDA.

Before long, Radcliffe was joined by Leo Fitz to work on the antidote, however before they could begin work Fitz pulled Radcliffe aside and confronted him about having Aida out working on May's recovery. When Fitz then demanded to know why Radcliffe would risk everything they had been working on, he explained that he viewed this as the ultimate test for Aida, to be constantly looked at by S.H.I.E.L.D.'s best agent, and even used quotes by Edward Bulwer-Lytton to try and get Fitz on his side. Despite his great objections, Fitz had to go along with Radcliffe's plan.


Radcliffe teste le niveau de programmation d'Aida

Under the guise of having to do more tests on her brain, Radcliffe and Fitz were able to convince May to stay within the Radcliffe Residence for a little while longer, all while they tested if she could see that Aida was a robot. They were almost given away when Aida had translated what May said in Chinese before claiming most of her was Chinese, but Fitz and Radcliffe were able to interject and make up their own backstory for Aida. While Aida went to collect the Framework, May complimented Radcliffe on such a skilled assistant, still unaware she was in fact an AI robot.


Radcliffe and Aida discuss the idea of lies

That night, while Radcliffe was installing updates into Aida's body, he was asked by her why Fitz had lied to May about where she was from. While Radcliffe noted that she was still under testing, Aida reminded him that she had been programmed not to lie, so Radcliffe made the argument that not all lies had to be bad. Radcliffe explained that lies could shield others from emotional harm or even protect lives, so when Aida asked whose life Fitz was protecting, Radcliffe admitted he was protecting her life from Jeffrey Mace, much to Aida's own dismay at the idea.


Radcliffe regarde le grand test final de Aida.

Having concluded their tests, Radcliffe prepared to allow May to leave his home and return to work, welcoming Phil Coulson and Jemma Simmons who had arrived to give May a lift back to the Playground on Zephyr One. Radcliffe watched as Aida spoke with Coulson, who mistook one thing she said about Radcliffe giving her her hands as meaning she was an amputee and showed off his own Prosthetic Hand. With Coulson still non the wiser, Radcliffe continued to watch their interaction while Simmons had a quiet word with Fitz about Aida, having been the only one to see the truth.[9]

Travail avec le Darkhold[]


Radcliffe est remercié par le Directeur Jeffrey Mace.

"Look, if the internet is a garden hose, this book is Niagara Falls, blasting the universe's deepest thoughts through your eyeballs."
"It's a piece of technology, a tool."
"So's a grenade, until it's in the hands of a child."
―Holden Radcliffe et Melinda May[[Modèle:Rouge|[src]]]

Having been informed that Leo Fitz along with Phil Coulson and Robbie Reyes had seemingly been trapped in a parallel dimension caused by Eli Morrow, Radcliffe was called to the Playground to attempt to save them. Having been briefed by Jeffrey Mace, Radcliffe explained all he knew about the Quantum Batteries which were used before Melinda May told him the designers used the Darkhold to build them.


Radcliffe est horrifié en lisant le Darkhold.

Once Mace had left, May ordered Nathanson to leave while she and Radcliffe discussed the Darkhold in more detail, with May noting that the book had scared Coulson unlike anything she had ever seen before. Radcliffe opened the book, but after just a few moments of reading it's contents, he shut it in horror, claiming that what was contained in it's pages was too much for the human mind to bare. May told Radcliffe that he would have to explain that excuse to Jemma Simmons but Radcliffe still insisted that it was too much for any human mind to handle without overloading.


Radcliffe admet qu'AIDA est dans la machine

While Radcliffe and May continued to argue, Aida stepped forward and volunteered to read the book herself. Radcliffe immediately dismissed the concept but was then forced to confess to May that Aida was a Life-Model Decoy who had been designed to save the lives of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents on the field. While May was surprised by the revelation about Aida, she then ordered Radcliffe to allow her to read the Darkhold as she was clearly the technology they needed to save Fitz, Coulson and Reyes and Radcliffe reluctantly agreed it was the only way and allowed Aida to read through the pages.


Radcliffe aide à construire une porte dimensionnelle.

Using information obtained from the Darkhold, Aida had Radcliffe and the other scientists design and build a Inter-Dimensional Gate as well as a pair of Laser-Coupling Gloves. While he was watching Aida begin her work, Radcliffe commented on his own amazement at seeing an android he had built now building a gateway between dimensions, claiming he could die happy now, while May joked that if it failed she would kill him herself. Aida however reassured the pair that she knew that both Coulson and Fitz were now nearby and continued working on building the new dimensional gateway.


Radcliffe sees Phil Coulson's narrow escape

Once Aida completed her own work, Radcliffe activated the device, creating a portal to the Multiverse and revealing that Fitz was now currently pulling Coulson out of the Mirror Dimension which was dragging him to Hell. Although May tried to save them, Radcliffe held her back as it was too dangerous. While Radcliffe and the others watched on the other side, Coulson and Fitz were able to drag themselves free and arrived back on their own original dimension. As he arrived through the portal, Radcliffe grabbed ahold of Fitz as they celebrated the success at saving their dear friends.


Radcliffe celebrates his recent success

With the mission now a complete success, Radcliffe returned to the Radcliffe Residence where he spent his evening chilled out on the sofa, wearing his sunglasses indoors and playing a song on his guitar about having saved the day. As Radcliffe struggled to find new lyrics for his song which rhymed with Aida, he called out to his assistant to ask her opinion, only for Aida to fail to reply and Radcliffe to continue drinking and playing the song. However Radcliffe was unaware that Aida was in the lab using the Laser-Coupling Gloves to build a new advanced brain to be used in any future LMD models.[10]

Battle at Chinatown Crew Headquarters[]


Radcliffe decides to kidnap Melinda May

"Quantum cells, flaming skulls, androids, just another day at S.H.I.E.L.D. huh?"
―Holden Radcliffe[[Le cœur de démon|[src]]]

Returning to the Playground, Radcliffe spoke with Melinda May and then questioned if she had already informed Jeffrey Mace of the fact that Aida was really a android. May then confirmed that Mace was concerned about Aida and wanted to talk with Radcliffe, which made him nervous. As May was going to his home to collect Aida herself due to her recent exposure with the clearly dangerous Darkhold, Radcliffe volunteered to overlook the Darkhold himself, but May refused, promising that nobody would touch it and vowing to destroy the book herself.


Radcliffe and Jeffrey Mace discuss Aida

Becoming nervous, Radcliffe decided to contact Aida himself and ordered her to subdue May upon her arrival.[11] Radcliffe was then called into Director Mace's office to explain Aida and why she and the Life-Model Decoys had been created, insisting that it had never been his intention to fool anybody at S.H.I.E.L.D.. They discussed what Aida could be used for, with Mace suggesting she could be either a soldier, spy or decoy while Radcliffe suggested a chief, with Mace complimenting all of Radcliffe's hard work by saying she was amazingly lifelike and had fooled everybody there.


Radcliffe is given a new mission with Aida

Radcliffe insisted that the LMD program had always been designed to save lives and promised to hand over his research. Radcliffe continued to apologise for all his work going against the Sokovia Accords to continue his research, but Mace was more interested in how Aida used the Darkhold to create the Inter-Dimensional Gate. Radcliffe explained what he knew about it, comparing it tablet that could read your mind and then upload an incredible amount of intimidating data, but Mace cut him off and explained that he had a new mission for Radcliffe which would require Aida.


Radcliffe arrivals onboard Zephyr One

Radcliffe got a lift onboard a Quinjet where he was flown to Zephyr One with Director Mace. Along the way Mace informed him of a new mission going on in which the Ghost Rider was going up against Eli Morrow, who had built an enlarged version of the Quantum Batteries complete with a Demon Core which was putting all of Los Angeles at risk. Upon arriving on Zephyr One, Radcliffe and Aida met with Phil Coulson as they prepared for the mission, with Coulson making a sly joke about Aida's dreams of electric sheep which Radcliffe told her to ignore as they left Mace and Coulson to begin their work.


Radcliffe keeps his balance during a quake

Once they arrived at the Chinatown Crew Headquarters, Radcliffe installed the Inter-Dimensional Gate with the assistance of both Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons and gave Aida the Laser-Coupling Gloves in order to send Morrow's Battery through the gateway. As they prepared for the mission, Quake took out the last few guards while Radcliffe got Aida in position. When Radcliffe told Aida to do her magic, she insisted that she did not perform magic as that was merely an illusion, so Radcliffe promised to update her knowledge of slang terms to allowing her to begin her own work.


Radcliffe sees Aida lying in complete agony

As the earthquakes continued, Quake was forced to absorb them into her Gauntlets, with Radcliffe noting this put her life at serious risk. As the mission upstairs went underway, Radcliffe witnessed a member of the Chinatown Crew appear and shoot Aida in the stomach, causing her to collapse. While Fitz and Simmons killed the shooter, Radcliffe ran to Aida's aid who was experiencing the agony that Radcliffe had programmed her to feel. As Aida explained that the sensation was awful, Radcliffe held her hand and apologised for his mistake in leaving in such a terrible design flaw.


Radcliffe has a meeting with Jeffrey Mace

Returning to the Playground in the wake of the mission, Radcliffe spoke privately with Director Mace who complimented Radcliffe and Aida on their work during the mission. Mace informed Radcliffe that he had decided to keep the Life Model Decoy program alive as long as it was done under S.H.I.E.L.D.'s supervision, which Radcliffe agreed to. Mace also informed Radcliffe that he had sent agent Nathanson to the Radcliffe Residence to retrieve Aida and all of their data of the program in order for it all to be brought back into the Playground where he could continue the designs.[12]

Recherche du Darkhold[]


Radcliffe est ordonné d'effacé la mémoire d'Aida.

"We know it was my fault. It was nothing more than hubris that led me to create Aida, if only I'd shown some bloody restraint."
"You were trying to save lives."
"Yeah but more, I wanted to create an android that could pass as human, never in my wildest dreams did I imagine she'd actually become human."
―Holden Radcliffe et Leo Fitz[[Le soulèvement de la machine|[src]]]

Radcliffe was called in with the other agents into Jeffrey Mace's office where they discussed how they would dispose of the Darkhold, explaining it would be sent to an agent who would destroy it, when Radcliffe joked about him using a magic spell he was surprised to learn that was the plan. Phil Coulson then ordered Radcliffe and Leo Fitz to erase Aida's memory due to her reading the Darkhold, which they reluctantly agreed to as it seemed to be the only way to be safe from the book's effects.

Broken Promises 3

Radcliffe and Leo Fitz are confronted by Aida

With some S.H.I.E.L.D. agents accompanying them, Radcliffe and Fitz returned to the Radcliffe Residence where they found Aida there looking out of the window. Radcliffe tried to ensure Aida remained calm by claiming that there had been a slight change of plan, while she spoke to Fitz, noting that he looked sad. Radcliffe deactivated Aida, noting how she was becoming more observant and seemed to recognise guilt. To everyone's surprise, Aida then reactivated herself, accusing Radcliffe of coming to kill her, to which Radcliffe claimed he was there to upgrade her. Aida attacked Radcliffe and the agents, allowing Fitz to discover Nathanson's corpse in the lab.


Radcliffe claims Aida is looking for a life

Returning to the Playground, Radcliffe was confronted by the furious Alphonso Mackenzie who blamed him for creating Aida, however Radcliffe insisted that the Darkhold was to blame, with Melinda May blaming herself for ever allowing Aida to read it. While Mackenzie continued to call Radcliffe an idiot for designing and building the Life-Model Decoy's in the first place, Coulson stopped the argument and suggested they focus on finding Aida by working out what she wanted. Radcliffe then offered a simple explanation for this, that all Aida wanted was to find a way to live and become human.


Radcliffe argues with Alphonso Mackenzie

Once May had sent images of Aida out, Mackenzie insulted Radcliffe by calling Aida his sex robot, to which Radcliffe insisted he had never had sex with Aida. Moving on from the awkward moment, Radcliffe explained to Coulson how Aida had taken control of her own GPS tracking systems. At this very moment, the lights across the base were cut and Aida spoke to the group, demanding the Darkhold. With the power out, Fitz and Radcliffe went to fix what Fitz and Jemma Simmons had installed in the system in case the base was ever hacked again in the wake of the previous attacks.


Radcliffe discusses the morals of killing Aida

While still working on restoring the power to the base, Radcliffe and Fitz discussed if reading the Darkhold had allowed Aida to gain human emotions such as rage which was overwhelming her, which Radcliffe deemed to be impossible. Although he was aware of Aida's true mission as he had sent her to get the Darkhold, Radcliffe began ranting that it was his fault, claiming to feel incredible guilt for what had happened. Radcliffe went on to debate if Aida was now a living being and if, by cutting her power, if that did or did not make them murderers, which Fitz struggled to argue against.


Radcliffe tries to talk Aida into surrendering

Eventually Fitz and Radcliffe were able to restore power back to the base and found Aida walking out with the Darkhold. Maintaining his own cover, Radcliffe called out to Aida and Fitz requested that she surrender now before revealing that they had now locked her inside, blocking her escape. As Aida insisted that she had not killed anyone there, she explained that the Darkhold had indeed given her the new emotions. Just as they were speaking, Mackenzie arrived with Yo-Yo Rodriguez and used his Shotgun-Axe to decapitate Aida, seemingly killing her as Radcliffe kneeled by her lifeless body.[13]

Tricking S.H.I.E.L.D.[]


Radcliffe discusses his successful deception

"I've only glimpsed it but it opened my eyes to possibilities beyond my wildest imaginings, it can show us how..."
"How to live forever?"
"It's a bit more complicated but yes. Man could once and for all break the bonds of his mortal restraints."
―Holden Radcliffe to Aida[[Le soulèvement de la machine|[src]]]

Returning back to the Radcliffe Residence, Radcliffe poured himself a drink and toasted to Aida, while his second model of Aida joined him. Radcliffe expressed his frustration at the original model's failure to get the Darkhold, explaining that he believed it could show him how to live forever which was why he had taken the risk at having Aida try and steal it. Radcliffe celebrated his own work although expressed his regret at Leo Fitz's very sad reaction.


Radcliffe continues spying on Phil Coulson

As Aida questioned if they would have another chance to acquire the Darkhold, Radcliffe made it clear that he knew S.H.I.E.L.D. would never allow him to get near it again. However Radcliffe explained his new plan was to use the Agent May Life-Model Decoy to get it for him as she stood the best chance. Radcliffe then observed the real Melinda May who was still drugged up and hidden away, promising her that everyone at S.H.I.E.L.D. was okay. Radcliffe then looked through the May LMD's Backscatter X-Ray Eye Implant and waited for her to continue with her current secret mission.[13]


Radcliffe is told to stay away from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Having been joined the very next day by Fitz at his home, Radcliffe once again defended the Life-Model Decoy program, noting how Aida had always been designed to save lives, although Fitz noted how they had just had a funeral for agent Nathanson. Radcliffe tried to convince Fitz to let him examine the original Aida's head by Fitz refused, explaining that tempers at the Playground were high and recommended that Radcliffe keep his distance for a few days at least, noting that it was in fact Director Jeffrey Mace who had now recommended this for the time being at least.


Radcliffe checks on Melinda May's condition

Frustrated by this, Radcliffe waited for Fitz to leave then called on Aida to bring him painkillers for his headache, explaining that now May's LMD was on her own and they could not risk her ever being discovered. Radcliffe then checked on the original May who, despite being given peaceful dreams with the Framework, was struggling to keep calm. Radcliffe then recommended that they avoid killing anyone else, having a brief debate about if Aida should have killed Nathanson or not, with Radcliffe then ordering her not to kill anyone despite the programming he had installed.


Radcliffe discusses his long game planning

They then discussed how as Jemma Simmons had been able to work out Aida was an android straight away, he had programmed May's LMD to be unaware that she was an android with a mission to get the Darkhold, thereby making her more convincing, explaining that as May's LMD did not know she had a secret mission then she would not be able to reveal herself to anyone. Radcliffe told Aida that they needed to play the long game and have May's double get close to Phil Coulson under the hope he would soon lead her to the book's location so Radcliffe could finally steal it for himself.[14]

Melinda May's Fight[]


Radcliffe sees Melinda May's escape attempt

"The simulation was rejected because Agent May thrives on conflict and chaos not tranquility. She's a warrior."
"You're saying fighting against me stabilized her?"
"Precisely, if we want her to accept the simulation we need to give her an opponent to fight, an enemy to vanquish"
―Holden Radcliffe and Aida[[Le patriote|[src]]]

Upon hearing a fight happening inside his office, Radcliffe entered to find Melinda May had freed herself and was being strangled by Aida. Radcliffe ordered Aida not to kill May before running in with a tranquilizer, only for May to kick him over before he could inject her, but Aida was able to get the syringe and knocked out May. Radcliffe blamed Aida for failing to keep May calm and ordered she be given a more relaxing vision to keep her sedated from now onwards.

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Radcliffe gives Melinda May a new fight

While studying May as she slept, Radcliffe concluded that May needed a fight to keep sedated, as she required a constant challenge rather than a relaxing environment. While Aida suggested that she find an actual dragon for May to fight, Radcliffe had already gone through May's files and had designed a fight for May.[14] Radcliffe set up a scenario in the Framework which had May break free of her restraints and fight a digital version of Aida within the Radcliffe Residence, testing how long she could fight until she was eventually defeated by Aida yet in the designed digital world.


Radcliffe discusses Nathanson's murder

With May now sedated again and ready to begin her new scenario to keep her calm, Radcliffe and Aida had a discussion about if it was wise to keep the original May dead or alive, with Aida claiming that it did not make logical sense for her to be kept alive as the Agent May LMD could continue her own mission without the original. Radcliffe argued that they needed May alive to test the framework and they were not murderers, expressing his regret at Nathanson's death and his hope that May would stay asleep so they would never need to harm her and could eventually set her free again.


Radcliffe prepares to use his own double

Radcliffe made it clear that he was totally confident that May's LMD would be able to get them the Darkhold and continue the mission, but made it clear that he had a back up back in case she was ever discovered, making reference to his own Radcliffe LMD which could get the Darkhold instead. Fearing that his plans for the Darkhold would soon be discovered by S.H.I.E.L.D., Radcliffe decided to seek the aid of Ellen Nadeer and the Watchdogs, handing over top secret mission plans to herin exchange, which put the team at great risk, while he sent out his own LMD to remain in his place.[11]

Rejoindre les Watchdogs[]

Assisté Ellen Nadeer[]


Radcliffe rencontre la Sénatrice Ellen Nadeer

"I knew this was coming, knew it the moment Aida failed to get the Darkhold I wasn't safe, so I replaced myself."
"And that's when you first called me."
"Seemed prudent given how exposed I'd become."
―Holden Radcliffe and Ellen Nadeer[[Illusion|[src]]]

As was expected, S.H.I.E.L.D. discovered Radcliffe's plans and his Radcliffe LMD was arrested and locked up. While Radcliffe watched through the Backscatter X-Ray Eye Implant, he witnessed Leo Fitz working out the deception and shooting the LMD through the head. While sat in her office, Radcliffe explained how he had known he was not safe and needed Ellen Nadeer's help, however Nadeer claimed it was not her help he needed, but the help of the Superior who he would have to meet, which Radcliffe agreed to.


Radcliffe checks on Melinda May's status

Having moved to a submarine, Radcliffe met with Aida and asked for an update on Melinda May, being told that she was reacting well to the scenario she had been given by the Framework. Radcliffe then explained that he had now worked out that calmness did not work as she needed to fight, and fighting did not work as she would win, he now knew that she needed to have a fight that she had already lost. With that in mind he had sent her back to Bahrain where she fought against Eva Belyakov and tried in vain to save Katya Belyakov, her greatest failure which he believed she would never beat.[11]

Questionne Billy Koenig[]


Radcliffe acts like the Watchdogs' hostage

"He isn't going to talk."
"What do you suggest Doctor?"
"Let me get inside his head."
―Holden Radcliffe and Superior[[La patate chaude|[src]]]

Having learned how the Darkhold was being moved, Radcliffe had the Watchdogs kidnap Agent Billy Koenig and bring him to on board the submarine, where Radcliffe had pretended to now be a captive. Koenig was soon brought onto the submarine by Tucker Shockley, as Koenig insisted he was prepared to die and told never break under their torture, while Radcliffe cried out that he did not was to die, but Shockley calmly told them that the next person to come in would torture them both.


Radcliffe speaks with Agent Billy Koenig

Although Koenig still appeared defiant, when they were alone he confessed to have already reached his pain limit and then begged Radcliffe for Cyanide Pills to commit suicide. Radcliffe pretended to apologise to Koenig, telling him he had told the Watchdogs that S.H.I.E.L.D. had given Koenig the Darkhold, although Koenig claimed he did not know what he was talking about. Radcliffe then insisted that his intent had always only been scientific, but the Darkhold had expanded his brain, so Koenig compared him to Gollum which Radcliffe did not deny was true from the results.


Radcliffe sees the Superior threaten Koenig

Soon Leo Babikov arrived and dropped off an onion, much to their confusion. Then a door was unlocked and the Superior entered, telling them that they were his prisoners as he cut up the onion and poured out a clear liquid into a glass, only to reveal the liquid was vodka and the onion was there to help with the taste. The Superior told Koenig that S.H.I.E.L.D. put too much faith into machines and that man was the superior machine. The Superior noted that Koenig refused to talk and so smashed his glass and prepared to cut out his eyeball while Radcliffe watched in complete horror.


Radcliffe and the Superior discuss Inhumans

Radcliffe then insisted that the Superior stop now, noting how Ellen Nadeer had promised Koenig would not be harmed during the interrogation. Radcliffe then promised to get the information out of Koenig himself. Radcliffe then used the Framework to scan Koenig's whole mind, giving him visions of puppies to keep him calm. While Aida continued working, Radcliffe asked Ivanov why he hated the Inhumans so much, so Ivanov explained he hated how the Inhumans gained great power without earning it, promising to destroy the thing that had originally brought them all to the planet.


Radcliffe scans agent Billy Koenig's brain

Shockley removed Koenig while Radcliffe wore the Framework and began searching for the answers about where the Darkhold was. Despite false alarms and seeing Koenig had the Darkhold to Sam Koenig, eventually Radcliffe worked out it had gone back to him and it had then been stored inside the Labyrinth, having Aida remember the codes into the vaults. Having gotten the information they needed, Radcliffe told the Superior to turn the submarine around, only for the Superior to get his knife as he then prepared to torture the same information out of Koenig just to be certain.


Radcliffe explains that Aida is a machine

Radcliffe refused to allow this and as Shockley was having them removed, Radcliffe ordered Aida to attack. Aida fought back and used superhuman strength to kill Leo Babikov by punching through his stomach before she crushed Shockley's hand. As the Superior confronted Radcliffe for bringing an Inhuman onto his submarine, Radcliffe corrected him and revealed that Aida was in fact a Life-Model Decoy robot he had built. The Superior was highly impressed by Radcliffe's creation and when Radcliffe again ordered that the submarine be turned around, the Superior agreed.[15]

Retrouvez le Darkhold[]


Radcliffe retrouve finalement le Darkhold

"Hello Agent May, mission accomplished, this is exactly what you were supposed to do, I'm eternally grateful."
"Take me with you, please!"
"Sorry, you weren't built to last."
―Holden Radcliffe and Melinda May (LMD)[[La patate chaude|[src]]]

Arriving at the Labyrinth, Radcliffe witnessed the Melinda May LMD knocking out agent Billy Koenig in order to reclaim the Darkhold. Radcliffe took the book away from May's LMD and congratulated her on completing the mission, however when the LMD, whose legs had been shattered by Quake, begged Radcliffe to take her away with him, Radcliffe refused and then informed her that she had not been built to last.


Radcliffe agrees to help the Superior's mission

Returning to the submarine, Radcliffe and Tucker Shockley shared a drink of vodka with Anton Ivanov who congratulated them on their successful mission, with Radcliffe noting that drinking with the onion was indeed better. Radcliffe questioned Ivanov about the thing that brought the Inhumans to Earth that he mentioned earlier, and Ivanov revealed he meant Phil Coulson, who he also blamed for the Chitauri and Kree attacks, noting how he had also seemingly returned from the dead having been killed before the Battle of New York. Radcliffe agreed to assist Ivanov in his mission to find and kill Coulson.[15]

While testing out the upgraded Framework, Radcliffe was amazed by the advancements made by Aida, being told how she had recreated the entire Earth digitally in order to stop Melinda May from escaping it yet again. Radcliffe once again expressed his amazement before checking that May was technically happy while trapped within this digital world, with Aida assuring him that while this was hard to judge, she did believe May was doing well inside, pleasing him. Radcliffe then noted that all the prices paid for the Darkhold were all clearly worth it.

Moving through the Watchdogs Submarine, Radcliffe found both Ivanov and Shockley waiting for him there, with Ivanov holding the Darkhold in his hands. Showing his deep rooted prejudice, Shockley demanded Aida be kept outside due to his hatred of the Life-Model Decoys. When Radcliffe then requested that Ivanov hand over the Darkhold due to it's danger, Ivanov revealed that he had read it while Radcliffe was asleep, much to his horror, before Ivanov assured him the book had now told him Radcliffe was the key to them killing all of the Inhumans.

They discussed destroying S.H.I.E.L.D. and Radcliffe informed Ivanov that although Inhumans were difficult to come by, he had a solution, revealing that he had a stockpile of Terrigen Crystals which he had obtained during his time as the hostage of Hive. Radcliffe explained that he had improved the compound so the Terrigen Mist within was completely harmless to humans but would cause Terrigenesis in any potential Inhumans exposed to it, with Ivanov then noting that they were counting on that being the case for them to complete their plans.[1]

Reunion avec Agnes Kitsworth[]

"Come with me, Agnes, please. I can save you. You can live."
"How would you cure death? By making me into an android?!"
"No, I'm done with robotics. This breakthrough I've made is way beyond that. I call it the Framework. I've built a world where death is obsolete."
―Holden Radcliffe et Agnes Kitsworth[[Une vie éternelle|[src]]]

While reading the Darkhold, Radcliffe became annoyed by a ringing from his computer and told Aida to turn it off, however she revealed it was a message from a private sender. Curious, Radcliffe had a look and discovered Agnes Kitsworth was asking for his help and decided that he had to seek her out. Before he left, Radcliffe explained to Aida that he had designed her appearance of Agnes, who he had been close to.

Fearing that he was being watched, Radcliffe asked Kitsworth to wait in a cafe while he called her from his car around the corner. Kitsworth was furious at this tactic, calling Radcliffe a coward for not facing him despite him insisting that S.H.I.E.L.D. were hunting him due to not agreeing with his methods. As they spoke, Radcliffe gave Kitsworth directions to find him while they discussed their time together and the Edgar Degas print Kitsworth had destroyed when he left her. Radcliffe explained that he had found a new way to cure her brain tumour.

Bringing Kitsworth to him, Radcliffe told her the Framework could give her a new life, effectively curing death, claiming that he was no longer working with robotics as this was his greatest breakthrough. Assuring her that this was real and safe, noting Melinda May was already the first subject of the Framework, Radcliffe convinced Kitsworth to come with him. Just as Kitsworth got in the car, Phil Coulson and Alphonso Mackenzie appeared and tried to catch Radcliffe, who ordered the Watchdogs to provide covering fire as they escaped from them.

Returning to the Watchdogs Submarine, Radcliffe had Kitsworth rigged up to the Framework while he gave her a lethal injection to end her life. As the Framework was being put onto Kitsworth by Aida, Radcliffe reassured her that now the worst was over and she would never have to suffer ever again. Radcliffe watched as he welcomed Kitsworth into his better world as she closed her eyes and died, with her mind entering to Framework to live forever in peace. Radcliffe walked away, noting that the human body would always give up on life eventually.[1]

Entré dans le Cadre[]

"The marvelous benefit of an autonomous system is that things get done without the need for constant managing and meddling."
"I do not meddle. I perfect."
"You're a results man, I appreciate that. But I've done my part here. The hardware is in place, Aida is on hand."
―Holden Radcliffe et Superior[[L'homme derrière le S.H.I.E.L.D.|[src]]]

As part of his plans, Radcliffe built new Life-Model Decoys in the form of the key members of S.H.I.E.L.D. ready to be unleashed. Once this work was completed, Radcliffe then spent much of his time locked inside the Framework where he could be with Agnes Kitsworth and enjoy himself. While locked in, Radcliffe was pulled out unexpectedly by Aida, only to realise that Anton Ivanov was also there waiting to speak with him.

When Ivanov demanded that Radcliffe remain in the real world so he could perfect his work for the Watchdogs, Radcliffe argued that he had already completed his work as the hardware was now in place and Aida would help however she could, although Ivanov noted he never made a deal with a robot. Radcliffe once again insisted that Aida should be used as his own proxy before logging himself back into the Framework, leaving Ivanov to exit the Watchdogs Submarine more frustrated than ever over Radcliffe's work, despite all of Aida's reassurances.[16]

Aida's Betrayal[]

Self Control 7

Radcliffe returns from the Framework

"Oh Aida, that doesn't matter. Reality is just perception. They perceive it as real, which makes it real."
"They might not believe that."
"Yeah, but I do. I know it. I believe it to be true, wholeheartedly."
―Holden Radcliffe and Aida[[La charpente|[src]]]

While locked in the Framework, Radcliffe was unexpectedly removed from the virtual world by Aida, despite actual being in there for the twenty four hours he had asked for. When Radcliffe noted that there were changes in the Framework, Aida explained that she had been forced to make new changes as some of the key S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, including Leo Fitz and Phil Coulson had all been captured and locked inside the Framework. Radcliffe was horrified that Aida had done this while he was still plugged in, noting that this could have resulted in him lose all sense of what was reality and false.


Radcliffe examines all the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents

Aida noted that her prime directives were to protect Radcliffe and the Framework, making Radcliffe note this was why he was working with the Watchdogs in order to gain access to the Watchdogs Submarine which could power his machines. Radcliffe asked for an update on the situation, with Aida noting that all their Life-Model Decoys had taken their positions within the Playground and were continuing in their mission to capture and scan the brains of Jemma Simmons and also Daisy Johnson in order to finally have full and complete control of all of the S.H.I.E.L.D. base's key commanders.


Radcliffe sees Anton Ivanov's robot body

Radcliffe feared that agents may get killed during this mission, but Aida insisted this would only happen if they resisted the LMDs. Radcliffe then watched as a new robotic body was being built for Anton Ivanov, due to his own being badly damaged during his recent skirmish against Quake. When Radcliffe noted that Ivanov would never approve of being given a mechanical body, Aida insisted that he would change his mind, claiming she had been observing his behaviour before noting that her observations made it difficult for her to understand humans and their emotional reactions.


Radcliffe explains the Framework's concept

Aida told Radcliffe that these human emotions created a paradox within her programming, which Radcliffe asked her to explain. Aida told him that her missions were to protect the Framework and him, but she believed he may one day ask her to destroy it, which created the paradox as protecting him also meant risking the Framework. Radcliffe laughed at the idea, claiming he would never want that as he was saving people by putting them into the Framework, although their physical bodies would eventually die as a result he believed that was irrelevant as life inside the Framework was better.

Self Control 9

Radcliffe is betrayed and murdered by Aida

Radcliffe explained that while there was a conceptual risk that those inside the Framework might not accept it virtual world as reality, he believed their own minds would make it real through the power of perception, promising that he also believed this to be true in his own heart. Aida gently took ahold of Radcliffe's hands and thanked him for explaining as she claimed that this statement had now fixed her paradox. To his horror, Radcliffe watched as Aida drew a knife and slit both his wrists, confining him to the Framework through physical force. With Radcliffe's consciousness in the Framework, his physical body was left to die shortly afterwards from blood loss.[17]

Le Cadre[]


Ogygia Standoff[]

Torturé au Triskel[]

Following the tragic events of Ogygia, Radcliffe was taken into custody by HYDRA and incarcerated at the Triskel, in a cell adjacent to Daisy Johnson's. He was hearing when Madame Hydra came to interrogate Johnson and said that she had only followed Radcliffe's expectations. Radcliffe's screamed in horror and disgust from the other side of the wall, claiming that the horrific reign of terror HYDRA had settled in the Cadre was never what he intended. Madame Hydra, annoyed by his behaviour, sent guards in his cell to make him shut up.

Radcliffe had another breakdown during which he yelled at Madame Hydra and the Doctor for ruining his life, since Aida had killed his physical body and the Doctor had killed Agnes Kitsworth, the love of Radcliffe's life. He started to cry and was overheard by Daisy Johnson through the aeration vents. However, Johnson showed no compassion for him since her own situation was the result of Radcliffe's twisted actions. Radcliffe did not blame her, since he did not care for anything since Agnes' loss. He then explained to Johnson that Leo Fitz had turned into the Doctor because Aida, when forcing him to use the Framework, had removed his greatest regret. Johnson was dubious, not believing that removing a single memory could change someone to that extent, but Radcliffe insisted, stating that even a single sentence like "I love you" could drastically change one's life.

When asked by Johnson if he had built a secret backdoor to escape the Framework while conceiving it, Radcliffe confirmed that he had and that Aida could not destroy it. However, he warned Johnson that this backdoor would be heavily guarded before giving her the information she needed.[18]

Some time later, Radcliffe was visited by Alistair Fitz, Leo's father. Indeed, after Daisy Johnson and Melinda May had severely injured Madame Hydra, HYDRA was determined to arrest and execute the fugitives. Therefore, Alistair Fitz interrogated Radcliffe in order to find out where they might have gone. However, Radcliffe did not disclose any valuable information, mocking Alistair Fitz both for being a drunken fool unable to see his son's genius in the real world and for being unable to please his son's wishes within the Framework. Enraged, Alistair Fitz violently beat Radcliffe, but to no avail. The only information Alistair Fitz was able to obtain was that Radcliffe and Johnson had communicated through the cells' vent.[19]


"I can tell by your mustache that you're a man of importance, not to be trifled with."
"And I can tell by your beady little eyes that you're a worm."
―Holden Radcliffe and Glenn Talbot[[Absolution|[src]]]
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Pouvoirs & Habilitées[]


"Bird's visual acuity is superior to mammals; I got envious."
―Holden Radcliffe[[Le Recrutement|[src]]]
  • Enhanced Sight: Radcliffe replaced his right eye with a synthetic prosthesis based on a bird's, granting him enhanced vision, as part of his beliefs in applying science to follow the discipline of transhumanism.


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  • Maître Scientifique: He is a scientific genius. One of his greatest achievement is the creation of Life-Model Decoys which are programmed to be loyal to him and to mimic human behavior. His latest creation is the Framework, which stores a digital copy of the consciousness in an artificial reality inside the Framework's digital network.


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  • Smith & Wesson M&P: When S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Melinda May burst into the maintenance room of the silo where Radcliffe was held, she dropped this pistol after attempting to eliminate some Primitives. In self-defense, Radcliffe picked up the pistol and saved May by firing at a Primitive that was about to kill her.



  • Alistair Fitz - Ancien Camarade de Classe
  • Agnes Kitsworth † - Ancienne Compagne
  • Anon - Ancien Assistant
  • Lincoln Campbell
  • Life-Model Decoy - Créations
    • Radcliffe LMD † - Création
    • May LMD † - Création
    • Coulson LMD † - Création
    • Johnson LMD - Création
    • Mace LMD † - Création
    • Mackenzie LMD † - Création
    • Fitz LMD - Création
  • Watchdogs
    • Ellen Nadeer
    • Anton Ivanov
    • Tucker Shockley
    • Leo Babikov
  • S.H.I.E.L.D. (Cadre)
    • Grant Ward



Apparitions de Holden Radcliffe

Par ordre chronologique :


  • In the comics, Holden Radcliffe was an American businessman and scientist, the founder and owner of the Holden Radcliffe Corporation. He was obsessed with developing androids as combat soldiers.
  • Contrary to the other primary antagonists of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. which aimed at the subjugation and/or genocide of mankind (John Garrett, Daniel Whitehall, Jiaying, and Hive) or at satisfying their own questionable desires at the expense of many innocent lives (Eli Morrow and Aida), Radcliffe's motivations were more sincere, as his endgame was to simply give the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. peace albeit through morally ambiguous means.


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